Helena, Montana The Museums Association of Montana has received $5,000 through Humanities Montana’s CARES grant program. This rapid-response funding provides general operating support to cultural organizations in the state that have been affected by the COVID-19 health crisis. “Humanities Montana understands the importance of the survival of Montana’s cultural institutions and museums across the state. We can always be assured that they are on top of things and they realize how important this funding is for Montana’s heritage keepers.’” says Deb Mitchell, Executive Director of MAM. The funds are part of the CARES Act passed by Congress in March. The $2 trillion aid package included $75 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities, approximately $30 million of which was sent to fifty-six state and territorial humanities councils to redistribute to humanities nonprofit organizations in need. The state humanities councils were chosen to distribute these funds because of their wellestablished relationships with museums, historical societies, libraries, and cultural institutions that are the cornerstones of some of the most vulnerable and hardest to reach communities. Humanities Montana is Montana's state humanities council with a mission to serve communities through stories and conversation. We offer experiences that nurture imagination and ideas by speaking to Montanans’ diverse history, literature, and philosophy. Established in 1972, we are one of fifty-six councils across the nation that the National Endowment for the Humanities created in order to better infuse the humanities directly and effectively into public life. We produce, fund, create, and support humanities-based projects and programs, eye-opening cultural experiences, and meaningful conversations. For more information, please call Museums Association of Montana at 1-406-444-4789.